
I am adding on another letter today from my previous post of four to five. This round, ANGER.

Anger is a common emotion felt by everyone, often many times a day. Whether it is road rage experienced when driving during rush hour traffic to the feeling of outrage associated with the learning of emotional injustices, anger is a part of our daily practice. It is an emotion that has been categorized, along with other emotions and acts, into the seven deadly sins of man. Why this is considered a sin? Why do we feel this anger?

Well what does anger really portrays, a time when words said are meant to hurt the other, when words said are not those of the heart, when actions done are not wanted and when decisions made are not meant. Spur of the moment.

Speak when you’re angry and you will make the best speech – you will ever regret. Heh
Tip of the day! – Whoever that angers you, conquers you!

Most of us have learned, by the time that we are adults, that anger is a part of our lives, but a part that must be carefully controlled. We have learned through experiences, often painful, that anger can be one of the most destructive of all emotions, leading to hard feelings, a sense of loss of self control, damaged and broken relationships and even physical violence.

We have also learned that sometimes anger is actually a good thing, for it can be one of the most important motivations for social change. Sometimes anger ventilated hurries toward forgiveness; and concealed often hardens into revenge. Anger is a natural part of the human emotional framework, but we each have had to learn to use it constructively and above all to control it. Don’t let it run wild and start biting! It’ll damage us and not others in the long run.

Science tells us;
“Anger is mediated in the brain from an area known as the amygdala. Signals that arouse reactions in the body are sent from the amygdala through neurotransmitters. Anger often causes physical changes such as increased heart rate and muscle tension among others”

I have absolute zero idea about how anger is defined in science terms therefore i Googled them. Amazing how science can explain how everything works. Probably my next work would be on, “Science or God, who created earth”. I have always been curious about things like this since young and I do have a little knowledge on it through all my readings.

Whether may your day be ruined due to an unforeseen text messages from work telling you that you are fired to a relationship failed, know that all that fails will not prevail. Let time heal, let anger disperse. Learn to manage temper, the little red monster in there. Kill it if it is not necessary.

It's important to realise several things about anger before you start tackling it. First, anger is a normal process that has allowed humans to evolve and adapt. It isn't a bad thing in itself, but problems occur if it isn't managed in the right way.

Anger is also a mixture of both emotional and physical changes. A big surge of energy goes through your body as chemicals, such as adrenaline, are released. (The science Googling on anger above has helped me develop my puny brain) I am smarter!

Once the cause of the anger is resolved, you may still have to deal with the physical effects, all that energy has to go somewhere right? This can be taken out on another person, such as a partner, or an object by punching a wall, for example.
Now I have always maintained a few methods whenever I get all too fired up at someone or something, probably you can try it out on yourself to see if it works the same miracle as it does me.

• Gym – Use up all those excessive energy you have, exert yourself to a point where you feel like collapsing and you won’t think much of anything then
• Boys, be smart – Bang your fist on the pillow rather than something solid
• Girls, be wise – Don’t scratch, try shouting and screaming in private where no one hears you
• Rationalize the situation – Ask yourselves, What evidence is there to prove this situation is accurate? How will he/she react if he/she were in my position? Is there another equally believable interpretation of what's going on here? Is getting angry, throwing tantrum and physical violence the best solution here?
• Take a drive – Drive on, don’t think but just drive. Let your mind cool off, let the windows down take a deep breath and exhale powerfully letting go of all resentment.
• Music/Sing – Come on! This is by far my best method!! Sing along to your favourite songs! Go for something along the lines of blues, pop and acoustic. Let it soothe you. Try not going for too emotional ones though.
• Read – Not for the faint hearted and lack of book interest people! This is a hazardous method as it may bore you out and bamboozle you in the very end, making you more emotional than you already are just because of one word. Boredom.
• Go out/ Get away – Go with your own group of friends, have some time for yourself. Reflect on the situation, get it out of your system and go home with a bright shiny heart.

Well then again, anything can be solved with a big dosage of smile and an even bigger dosage of beer! Heh

Lastly, always bear in mind that one does not have to always attend to every argument they are invited to and always consider how much more you will suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved.

Cheers all.


Mandy May 6, 2009 at 8:46 PM  

Hmph. I need this for sure. Anger management. But your methods don't work for me :(

But then, there's something liberating about letting it all loose (for me).

Have fun fighting the anger monster!

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