
Hair cut has many effect on different individuals, for myself it has a catharsis effect giving me a sense of achievement, the power of letting go and the feeling of greatness that I know once my hair is cut I have a new me and the past is down on the floor swept away before my very self. A new improved me to face a better day up ahead.

I know it sounds pretty surreal to many of you reading this but then again, I am weird in certain ways but in no doubt this way does great benefit for me.

Drowning myself in music, driving without any place to go, hair cut to drop the past, gym where all my strength is wasted on, reading to fill my head with words than emotional thoughts and singing my lungs out. These few ways has the capability of relinquishing many issue for me no matter how far behind I may fall and even my bank balance’s downward spiral movement. Haha.

Freedom is up by the corner, 1 day to go before the absolute ‘Tuks Tuks’. Credits to Marciano for coming to the gym and pumping himself up. Keeping up with my regime and maintaining his discipline. Awesomeness baby!!!...

Anyways, I will most likely only be there on the 29th and not the 30th due to someone who will most definitely get all emotional on me and bitch endlessly if I miss her big day. You know who you are bitch!!! If it weren’t on convinced grounds you know I will never let pass anything on you right?

Well, had my hair cut and had a great night out. Waking up tomorrow to a whole new luminosity.

Cheers All


sarcmim May 28, 2009 at 8:57 PM  

only if i could go on the 3rd day, pretty much wear out

JustinC May 29, 2009 at 1:22 AM  

Haha, don't worry bout it bro. Good effort, really. We'll come back from the rave and pump it up more aye?!

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