
Well this is my official 1st post here and what has been going in my mind the whole night is just a simple four letter, LIFE. Can anyone really define how to live one? Can we really say living for others is the complete fulfilment of life or self salvation is the best way to live a life? Each and everyone one of us has an opinion of our own BUT is it worthy for one to be dragging their life than living it just because of certain pasts that haunts us?

I would give a bloody HELL NO to that!

Life is like a roller coaster.

Filled with endless ups and downs but in the very end, don’t we pick ourselves up? Move on? No matter how gloomy grey a situation may be? Isn’t life meant to be lived gloriously rather than having it ominous?

I have a friend whom she told me this many years back, she said Justin look “Time is like a buddy that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we are going to live it”. My response to her was “True, what is the point of fearing the past and worrying about the future? Why don’t just live the present, make the best of it and cherish it?” I was bloody 17 when this conversation took place, till today I’ll remember this very conversation but I was only thinking of an excuse for myself to not being mocked over having too many flings

but now that life has grown on me, I guess it has a different perspective all by itself. A meaning really portrayed by those very words I said. Live life to its fullest and not be held back by fears of the pasts, worries for the future and DENIAL of the present.

A poem to compliment the post above;

Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!

Look to this Day!

For it is Life, the very Life of Life.

In its brief course lie all the

Verities and Realities of your Existence.

The Bliss of Growth,

The Glory of Action,

The Splendour of Beauty;

For yesterday is but a Nightmare of the past,

And tomorrow is only a Vision future;

But today well lived makes the difference

We only live once. One life. Not two. *Okay maybe besides SIMS*

Benjamin Franklin once said “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that the stuff life is made of.”

Colette, a French novelist of 1920s’ in one of her book “Last of Cheri” Cheri said “I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.”

Corita Kent also said “Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.”

Well, all these great people come up with very inspiring quotes. Also if you would want to know more about them, you know we all have for everything.

So go ahead, waste some time. Then again, no matter how much a person reads about anything or listens to however many advices from people around us, just always stay true to yourself, your self thought to be your own self. Self opinionated is the very core of self value.

Have a change of life.

To those broken souls out there, know that you are not alone in this world.

If you think your situation is bad, there are far worst ones out there. If you think your life is paced slower just because of a particular person, a particular monetary situation, a particular work problem just seriously, step and put both feet on the ground; live and change the way things are! Life is only lived once, not twice.

Live the present, discard the past and let future sculpt itself without forcing nor wanting.

My aunt from London told me this when I was depressed a few years ago, “I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the beach and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his backs on life so don’t turn yours on yourself. Face the past as it is, leave it and live it proud”

Our past shapes us to who we are today but to dwell over and fear is pointless. If to wait for it to happen again, why don’t we move on and make greater things out of our own lives now in present? Self love is the greatest love.

Living life is the best way to the fulfilment of it. Accept what is present at this point and make the best out of it.

Do not live life half heartedly, live it full. What is the past shall be left there to fade where only the memories live. Smile because it happened, but have laughter for what is present. Memories will just be memories but the present is how you shape your next memory.

Cheers all.


Mandy May 6, 2009 at 8:43 PM  

First commenter!!

Well, I must say, that if anyone is living it up, its you! ;)

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