Danny Boy

The day I met this pig, he has been an asshole. Till today, he still is. No effin doubt about it.

the day when we ruled5.84c

till the day we became celebrities

and ravished raves

He is short, ugly, annoying & uses a method people use 40 years ago to get girls….through guitar and singing. Fail!

Then again, a brother as he has proven himself to be and I will be forever grateful for his endless nonsensical-nonsense. He has been there for me through shit and through steam.

Some even think we’re gay! Heh.

I am just glad I have a person in my life I know I can always rely on as annoying/irritating that son of a mother pizza hut cekodok ayam is.

I know, he for one will never turn his back on me; will always be there and I can always put my trust on as a brother.

End of the day, this is what i enjoy doing most

and that he always ends up holding his mouth like this. Heh. NOOBB!!!

So Danny boy, happiest birthday to you! Go slap yourself 10 times now as a gift from me to you.


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